Methods, Offers

Health Panel

Our health panel for your studies in Switzerland

Our Health Panel is available to you for quantitative online surveys and recruitment of interview partners and discussion participants for qualitative studies. It gives you access to healthcare professionals such as doctors of all specialities, nurses, laboratory technicians, pharmacists and other professionals in large numbers (7,000 healthcare professionals). In addition, you can reach over 52,000 patients through our panel. The Health Panel is part of our intervista Online-Panel, one of the largest B2C and B2B panels in Switzerland with 100,000 active panellists and 35,000 decision-makers and executives in companies. We cover the whole of Switzerland with all language regions.





Highest panel and data quality

Panel quality is of utmost importance to us and meets the highest standards. As a panel provider, intervista is ISO-certified and ensures the quality of the online surveys with extensive panel maintenance measures. Through a comprehensive profile survey when registering panellists as well as regular updating of the master data, we have a large number of background variables at our disposal and can select people specifically on the basis of specific attributes. In addition, we can enrich your survey data with this basic data and thus provide you with even more information, e.g. for profiling customers.

Your options for using the Health Panel

Sampling only for quantitative studies

We ensure the technical connection of your online questionnaire to our software and interview suitable participants from the Health Panel according to your specifications for the target group from the pool of health professionals or patients. We take over the field management of the online survey and carry out continuous quality and structural checks during the data collection.


Method consulting and pretesting

Our experienced and methodologically skilled project managers are at your side with help and advice to design optimal study designs and questionnaires. In order to have questionnaires tested by real people from the target group before they go into the field, we offer you our proven online pretests. In this way, you can find out quickly, inexpensively and precisely which contents need further explanation, where relevant answer categories are missing or whether a questionnaire is too long for the respondents. Such pretests are particularly valuable for specialised, complex topics. Of course, we also offer classic face-to-face pretests with representatives of your target group.


Full Service: Quantitative research

Would you like to put a complete study or more than the data collection via our Health Panel in our hands? Very much so: We accompany you throughout the entire process to obtain statistically reliable results on the behaviour, needs and attitudes of your target group. Depending on your needs, we combine proven methods with innovative approaches and, thanks to our methodological expertise, provide you with the desired basis for decision-making, even in more complex analytical procedures. We have been conducting projects in the health sector for years and have the corresponding experience in setting up and implementing such surveys. In addition, the project managers we employ in the health care sector are trained in pharmaceutical covigilance.


Recruitment for qualitative studies

Our Health Panel also offers an ideal basis for recruitment, e.g. for individual interviews with specialists, focus groups with nursing staff, patient diaries or usability tests with laboratory staff, which you would like to moderate yourself. We can handle the entire recruitment process for you quickly and efficiently – from selecting the right people to arranging appointments and instructing participants to providing incentives.


Full Service: Qualitative research

Of course, we also offer you qualitative research as a full service. With project managers who are competent in the health sector, we stand for high-quality insights that really help you. In addition to the conception and implementation of the study, we advise you throughout the entire process. We have technically mature tools for qualitative online research.

Factsheet Health Panel

Learn more about the structure of our Health Panel and the available master data and background variables in the Health Panel factsheet.

Julia Urbahn
Do you have a question?

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