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Online Dashboards Data Analysis

Visualise data online and examine it specifically

An online dashboard is a visualisation tool that allows you to analyse and evaluate the results from your surveys, with online availability allowing you to access them at any time and from any device.

Online dashboards provide a very efficient and effortless way to access your data. Because they are visualised and not just presented as “numbers” or tables, viewers get a much clearer view of the results and understand much more quickly what “story” they are telling. They can independently select comparison groups, filter the data for certain characteristics and deal with them in more depth and in an interactive way.

But dashboards also have a structuring function in that they can make your survey results available centrally and also make them accessible to other stakeholders in your company, even if they are not very familiar with reading and interpreting tables. The dashboards can be configured in such a way that only certain data or functions are released for the respective users. They are also well suited to linking market research data with other data sources, such as internal company performance data.

These decisive advantages of dashboards are particularly useful in tracking studies, i.e. studies in which data are collected continuously or in regular waves. By automatically linking the dashboard to ongoing surveys, you can find up-to-date results there at any time. This is another advantage – it is not necessary to wait for a quarterly report of your study, but you can interpret trends on a daily basis. In addition to time, costs can also be saved: Since dashboards only have to be set up once, there is no need for the effort of creating cyclical manual evaluations.

Christoph Wuethrich
Christoph Wüthrich
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